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Women, Gender and Architecture in Denmark: A  Panel Discussion
Friday November 10 |Noon| In person |1 LU approval pending

UMass welcomes Henriette Steiner and Svava Riesto, authors of UNTOLD STORIES. WOMEN, GENDER, AND ARCHITECTURE IN DENMARK for a panel discussion based on their book, which tells a new story about twentieth-century architecture in Denmark. For the first time ever, readers get an overall picture of the key contribution made by women to the architecture of Danish welfare society in the period 1930–1980. The book’s five chapters present hitherto untold stories about how architecture comes into being through creative collaborations that cut across genders and professional disciplines. Women have contributed to all aspects of architecture, from kitchens and buildings to landscape architecture and urban planning, and their stories highlight the hidden diversity that has shaped Denmark’s buildings, cities and landscapes. The importance of this diversity must be understood and appreciated in the present if we are to create new ways of living and building in the future – a pressing need in light of the many crises we face as a society today.

This UMass Program is supported in part by WMAIA Women in Architecture

WMAIA’s Women in Architecture Programs are Sponsored by